I will show you the tips for China Travel, the Traditional Chinese Culture, Chinese Food and some other interesting things in China here.

August 27, 2008

Beijing Cloisonne

Cloisonne is a unique art form that originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty, which we know it has nearly thousands-year history already. It culminated during Jingtai period in the Ming dynasty. It gains the fame "cloisonné" by the main color of blue.

The design of cloisonné is made by pinching fine and oblate brass wires, weld them on the copper body, then fill in color ceramic glaze and burn it. The products are dazzlingly brilliant resplendent and magnificent, with strong, soberminded, gorgeous and elegant characteristic. They include vases, bowls, plates, wine sets, smoking sets, lamps and lanterns, sugar bowls, spice boxes, trophy cups, birds and beasts, etc. more than 60 kinds. We may say, the technique of cloisonne is used not only the bronze crafts, but also the porcelain crafts, meanwhile, fetching in plenty of traditional and carving technique, which is the combination of Chinese traditional arts.

Trust me! When you come to Beijing, this is another thing that you should not miss.